Search Barefoot
“Initially, my team members had to meet parents at their houses to win their trust as we were new, even people used to come home to check my ID and address for verification. Even parents & people above my age would question me - WHAT, YOU? YOU SURE YOU ALONE WOULD BE ABLE TO MANAGE ALL THIS?"

- Kartik Khandelwal, The Founder and CEO of BFT.

From CEO's Desk

I pursued a Company Secretary (Final), I started my MBA in the year 2016 when I went for my first trip to TRIUND with 25-30 friends. After that, as every middle-class person dreams of getting a wholesome package after an MBA same was with me when I got a job in HDFC bank. My passion for travelling was dragging me to amazing locations in my head. Stucked in MBA, secured Job & my passion, one day out of nowhere I just woke up packed my bag (Mumbai) & came back to Indore (my home) & told my mom that I want to pursue my dreams. Trust me, the day you quit your job will be the most exciting & scary day of your life. Followed shortly by the day you leave for the airport to start your travels.


  Thought That Hit

During my college days, I was so fond of travelling that I never wanted anyone but just beautiful destinations to be my companion in the journey that passion drove me to travel solo initially. As they say “ That a man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” On those roads, I found many stories, met new people and understood that many people cant travel in India majorly due to lack of knowledge, lack of trust, lack of finances, lack of proper safety measures especially for women solo travellers, also sometimes lack good company and those stories made me the author of my dream BAREFOOT TREKIANS. In 2018 I converted my passion to my full-time profession taking my first official trip to Himachal under the banner of BAREFOOT TREKIANS.

Initial Days of Struggle
Initially, we did not have enough funds to buy or rent an office, to put up ads in the newspaper or on social media platforms. There was a time when I use to call every close friend of mine to put up WhatsApp stories, Facebook posts about our venture because that was all that I knew even I had to meet parents of our travellers at their houses to win their trust as we were new, even people used to come home to check my ID and address for verification. Even parents & people above my age would question me – WHAT...YOU? YOU SURE YOU ALONE WOULD BE ABLE TO MANAGE ALL THIS? They never thought that this young guy of 22 yrs would be able to. manage these many people that too on a trip of 4-5 days. Even on the trips, I use to sleep hardly for an hour out of 24hrs because I was the only one to manage everything from managing hotel staff to drivers to travellers and that too with best of everything

But gradually, things started changing over the years and the company started gaining trust, confidence and love amongst the local travel-loving audience. Every trip that we completed successfully, fortunately, gave us a new set of loyal clients who would genuinely recommend our plans to their friends and family. And that’s how with immense hard work, patience, tolerance and many sleepless nights, they build a separate fan base amongst the clients who loved their plans for premium services with the best of luxury.


My aim is to offer boutique travel experiences to people who may otherwise have compromised on their travel dreams may be due to lack of knowledge or due to lumpsum amount of packages offered by travel partners or when you don’t have a good company to travel. I want to make travel a wonderful experience for people who sometimes feel that travelling is a high society affair and we as middle class or students can't afford it at the price of our pocket money. I want to make every travel dream come true for people across the globe giving them affordable packages without burning a hole in their pocket.

  Message For All  

I gave this thought in the year 2016 & that thought changed my destiny. I would have worked on a chair in an air-conditioned office getting well paid at the end of the month living a smooth life but in the end, I would have called my life complete but not happy.

What made me happy was travelling…

I never wanted a 9-5 job cabin, I was looking for roaming in mountains.
I never wanted a wholesome salary in the end, I was looking for a month ending full of memories of new places.
I never wanted a 9-5. I was looking for rising with a view & sleeping under the stars.
I never wanted to switch companies I wanted to switch from state to state, city to city.
I never wanted increment, all I wanted was an increased number of stamps on my passport.

So here is the list of things that made me happy & everyone must find it too.